About Duwamish Cohousing

Duwamish Cohousing is an intentional community of 23 units, mostly duplexes, on 2.7 sunny, lightly forested acres of land in West Seattle, Directly across the street from South Seattle Community College.

The land slopes west from a ridge crest and there are some Olympic mountain views from the ridge crest and a naturally vegetated wetland in the southwest corner. (see Google Map)

We share a Common House, wood shop, common gardens, and a centrally-located play structure for children. We also have some spaces designed primarily for adults. We often socialize with each other and work together, and will often share meals and parties in the common house. We have an internet co-op, wholesale foods co-op, parenting coops, and a craft club. Other ways we have come together include gardening, jams and dances, an NVC-based support group, and shared community excitement over new births, marriages, community retreats, and especially new members!

There are parks and green open space nearby as well as the six acre Chinese garden planned for the north end of the College. The neighborhood includes significant age, income, and cultural diversity, and is about a 10 minute drive from downtown Seattle. The land is on a good bus route to downtown.

Our Location:

6000 17th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98106

Find it on Google Maps

The Neighborhood:

Arial Photo
King County Metro Bus Route #125: http://transit.metrokc.gov/tops/bus/schedules/s125_0_.html
South Seattle Community College:http://www.southseattle.edu/
Seattle Chinese Garden :http://www.seattlechinesegarden.org/
Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association: http://www.dnda.org/
